Joe may have made mistakes in the past that hurt the relationships he had with those closest to him, but by understanding his pattern of behavior he will be able to move forward and progress at a steady pace. 也许过去Joe犯过一些错,伤害了那些最亲的人,但是只要了解了这些行为模式,他就能往前走,一步一步走向正轨。
Research has shown that people who receive validation from others via their mobile phone become over-involved with their mobile phone in a manner similar to an addictive pattern of behavior. 研究显示,那些从手机上收到他人认可的人,变得过度依赖手机,这种情绪和强迫症有点像。
A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition. 我喜欢乳酪果酱,不过这是后天养成的一种嗜好。
Yet regulators are concerned about Apple's pattern of behavior. 然而监管机构正对苹果公司的行为表示关切。
Disturbingly, plagiarism fits into a larger pattern of behavior in China. 让人不安的是,剽窃已经成为整个中国行为模式的一部分。
The Study of Pattern of Behavior of Research Team in View of Finance and Economics Colleges 基于财经类高校科研团队的行为模式研究
He has a fixed pattern of behavior. 他有一套不变的行为方式。
Remember, it's important to reinforce the new pattern of behavior by immediately rewarding yourself ( or someone you're helping) whenever you use it. 记住,不论你何时以新的模式行事,要通过马上表扬你自己(或你正在帮助的人),来增强新的行为模式。
Not conforming to some norm or socially approved pattern of behavior or thought. 与某些标准或者社会认可的行为模式、思维模式不一致。
A recurrent pattern of behavior acquired through experience and made more or less permanent by various reinforcing events. 一个刺激或事件,当某种行为的发生持续出现时给予,使行为在未来出现的可能性降低。
Set in a rigidly conventional pattern of behavior, habits, or beliefs. 被传统的行为、习惯或者信仰的模式所严格束缚。
All three of them have a different climate from the other two, yet all three are showing a similar pattern of behavior, and that behavior is mass loss. 虽然这三座冰川有着各自不同的气候特征,但却都体现着一个相似的活动模式,即质量亏损。
The Justice Department says domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior used by one partner in any relationship to control another partner. 司法部说家庭暴力可以定义为在任何关系中的一方滥用行为去控制另一方的一种模式。
A pattern of behavior acquired through frequent repetition. an irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions against your will. 通过不断的重复而形成的一种行为的模式。强迫自己做琐碎的、重复行为的非理性冲动。
That way, you can bring a pattern of behavior to management's attention. 这样你就可以提请公司主管注意你上司的不当行为。
Investigation on the depression of retired cadres with empty nest syndrome and A pattern of behavior Identification of Calf-origin Cryptosporidium bovis Shanghai Isolate by Nested PCR 空巢离退休干部抑郁症与A型行为模式的调查牛源隐孢子虫上海分离株的巢式PCR鉴定
This normal form means to be all approved by greatly parts of persons, such as a rule of construct glossary, theories of architecture, standard of appreciate beauty, design skill and pattern of behavior. 建筑领域的范式是指被大部分人都认同并习惯的建筑语汇、建筑理论、审美标准、设计手法和行为模式。
The political culture designates the value inclination and pattern of behavior of a political system. 政治文化是社会成员所形成的对于政治系统及政治生活的心理倾向和价值取向。
Physics scientific method is a pattern of behavior in scientific research. 物理科学方法是人们在认识物理现象,建立物理概念与规律,分析解决物理问题,乃至发展物理科学的过程中,形成的科学行为模式。
Environmental education should begin during the early childhood years as the attitude, emotion and pattern of behavior towards the environment, formed during the early childhood, play an extremely important role in the improvement on the integrated environment quality and even the life-long sustainable development. 环境教育必须从娃娃抓起,幼儿时期所形成的环境态度、情感、习惯等对其成长过程中综合环境素质的提高,乃至其一生的可持续发展都极为重要。
The cost of rent-seeking is introduced into the game model. We then analyze the relationship between the pattern of behavior and the level of the regulation of existing firm along with other entrants, as well as the effect of the regulation social welfare and customer surplus. 将寻租成本引入博弈模型,得出在位者和进入者的行为模式与管制力度的关系,管制对社会福利和消费者剩余的影响;
Meanwhile, student writers make many further revisions and self-revisions in their writings on the basis of previous peer revision, suggesting a pattern of behavior conducive to self-regulation. 同时,在同伴作文修改的基础上,学生作者还做了自我修改或进一步的修改,表明同伴修改有助于在学生作者中产生一种自我调节的效果。
How to avoid the risk of financial crisis and what kind of migration pattern of behavior to choose connect with the macro-structural factors and the capital which farmers workers control and own. 农民工如何规避金融危机风险及以什么样模式进行迁移的行为选择不仅受到宏观结构性因素的制约,也与农民工自身所拥有的资本以及资本控制有关。
In addition, the festival is a big stage, on which the concept of value, moral consciousness, the mode of thinking, the pattern of behavior and aesthetic taste, etc. are all epitomized. 节日又是一个巨大的舞台,社会群体的价值观念、道德观念、思维模式、行为模式、审美情趣等等在这里集中表现。
Under such a social background, only if intellectuals could confirm their internal beliefs and internal values and test the feasibility, would they realize them to be a set of valid pattern of behavior. 在这样的时代背景下,知识分子群体只有能够准确确认自己的内心信念与内在价值并将其放置于社会大环境下进行合理性与可行性验证,才能将其外化成为一套行之有效的行为模式。
This article is a long-term view that gradually formed the habit of a relatively fixed pattern of behavior, it permeates all aspects of our lives. 习惯是长期逐渐形成的一种相对固定的行为模式,它渗透在我们生活的方方面面。
In the institutional point of view, implementation of the split share reform helps to reduce large shareholders 'incentives of propping from listed companies and interests of small shareholders, while also has a great influence on large shareholders' pattern of behavior. 股权分置改革的实施从制度层面降低了大股东对上市公司及中小股东利益的侵害,同时也对大股东的行为模式产生了深刻的影响。
This article analyzed the development of outer space military science, the development of outer space military strategy in national military policy, the changes on the pattern of behavior of outer space militarization. 本文对半个世纪以来,世界各国外空军事技术发展、国家军事政策中外空军事战略的发展、外空军事行为模式的转变等方面进行了分析。
I also look at the case of the former Soviet Union and its alignment with another smaller state and found out that there seems to be a pattern of behavior among smaller states in asymmetric alliance. 我也将前苏联纳入案例之中,并将它和其他一些小国联盟进行比较,发现在非对称联盟体系内似乎存在一些固定的小国间的行为模式。
The collective characteristics and pattern of behavior of men and women in TV reflect the power relationship between them and the values male chauvinist society. 电视中的男性和女性的群体特征和行为方式反映了男性对女性的支配和贬损的权力关系,表现了男权社会的主流价值观。